Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is Facebook Right For My Business?

Everyone seems to be jumping on the social media bandwagon, but if you are like me, you are wondering if it is the right thing to do for business and how. Experts in all industries are encouraging businesses to use social media to help create business or additional exposure for your business. One of my questions has been how to bridge the gap from personal use of social media to business use. I think most of us use Facebook for a primarily personal focus, but I found an article (excerpt below) that helps bridge the gap and provides some thoughts on using Facebook for your business. Hope you find this helpful. Is Facebook Really a Good Tool for Business? Ann Handley (MarketingProfs) Nov 10, 2009 - In a recent article on MarketingProfs, Paul Chaney identified what he sees as the “big three” social networks for business: Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. The first two I understand… but Facebook? It seems to me that lots of companies set up Fan Pages or Groups. They use them to collect friends like a squirrel hoarding nuts for winter. They even might post a few photos or press releases or blog posts. But then, the pages languish. So is Facebook really a good tool for business? Paul says, unequivocally: Yes. The author of The Digital Handshake: Seven Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business Using Social Media, Paul schools me and (I hope) you in how businesses can leverage a presence on Facebook. Click here to read the full article

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